Monday, 9 March 2015

A Writer's Journal

I have to keep a writing journal for my writing class at university. So far, out of the 12 days I have had it, I've written in it four times. I'm supposed to be writing in it every day.

I've noticed I mostly write in it after midnight. And upon reading back over some of that stuff, half of it doesn't make sense. It may inspire a story someday, but it really doesn't make sense.

Since there's nothing extravagantly personal in it yet, I wanted to share some of these wonderfully thoughtful little anecdotes with you.

I really don't understand how my brain functions.


  • I love the sound of the train pulling into the station. The high pitched whistle on the electric line at Joondalup.
  • Tinnitus. Persistent ringing of the ears.
  • A man driven insane by tinnitus.
  • What does PTSD do to us? Is the war worth it if our soldiers are returning home broken?
  • "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope, and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11
  • What if one day, you asked someone for directions, they gave you the wrong directions, and it altered the whole course of your life?

I apparently now have an imaginary hairless cat named Emperor Zurg. Ok then.
How do you tell someone you like them? It seems so easy, but it's so not easy. It's the most nerve wracking thing ever. I don't understand why. It's just telling another person that you have potentially romantic feelings for them. I tend to break things down like that when they're stressing me out. It doesn't actually make it any better.
I'm trying to write. JJ is meant to be getting food poisoning. So far it's not happening.
An unfamiliar song is playing on my iTunes. But I can just tell it's from the London Olympic Dreams album.
I was right.
Playing 'Would you rather marry?' via text with Damian.
I should write a story about a dancer battling injuries. Neuritis, ankle sprains, bad shoulders and knees. 
A mother watching her sick child receive chemo.
What is wrong with the world today? 
Apparently everything.
This pen is hard to read. This is why I don't handwrite these days. So much effort.
Mittens' human.
I swear all my best material comes forth after midnight.

3.03.15 - (this is a drafting of ideas for my presentation for this unit)
  • An evil beast, winding its claw-like tentacles through my her daughter's brain.
  • Every day brought a new enemy.
  • The clear liquid winding through the tubing. Looks like water, yet it is so damaging toxic, it can burn skin.
  • Covered with a bag to protect it from the light. Yet to protect her daughter, it has to cause so much harm.
  • The room is so dark, da as dark as the cloud hanging over her family.
  • Her daughter, who was supposed to grow up, graduate high school, fall in love, and explore the world.
  • There is no God. There Since that fateful day, she had not once believed in a god.

All I can think about is AJ's baby. It was just SO unexpected! She hid it brilliantly. It's hard to explain, but it's almost alien to see her pregnant. It's been 7 years since she had Mekhai. It's like I forgot she is still capable of reproducing. I think she may actually have had trouble conceiving, judging by her Instagram [caption].
The shock has worn off. To think we always wanted her to have another baby and now she is.
We thought they had settled on one.
I'm so happy for her and Nathan. AJ looks beautiful, confident, happy and proud.
I can't wait for July!

On the other hand (literally), my wrist is very bruised and painful. I hope I haven't chipped a bone. I do love that contemporary dance though. I love contemporary. Can we do it in the concert?


Trying not to laugh in a lecture while writing about a character hopped up on oxycodone after surgery.

I'm sure there's more wonderful pieces of wisdom where those came from. Stay tuned!


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